Blog Update and Series on the Song Of Solomon
After all these years, I truly do not know how many (if any) followers I still have on this blog. My old websites on got hacked and we lost the old pages. That is disappointing when it comes to Home of The Real McCoy, as I no longer have the pages with the beautiful music and backgrounds - however, the poems are mostly back up in the form of a blog (HOTRM Table Of Contents). The loss of backgrounds does not affect my old Bible study site (main page for Eagle's Wings Ministries). You can visit the Table of Contents and read what has been put back up there so far. If there are any specific studies you are most interested in, let me know and I can focus on getting those ones up next. Please feel free to check out my webpartners' sections of EC as well. They have been updating their sites and adding new content.
All that being said, I know I have some work to do here to update the links and side bar content on this blog, but I wanted to send out a notice that I have started on a devotional/study series on the Song of Solomon. Some of it will build on studies I have put together on passages from the book before or may have used as a springboard, but I want to put together mostly all new studies to get back into writing again.
This book of the Bible is one I turn to often to quicken my devotion to the Lord. It is a picture of our walk with the Lord Jesus Christ and our fellowship with Him. There are passages in this book that refer to coming to Him for salvation (ie. chapter 3, which refers to the day of His espousals engagement to us, His bride), to our times of struggle and even backsliding, to serving the Saviour, from working on our own vineyard together with the Saviour (ie. our own lives) to serving in His fields, from realizing who we are in the Saviour and where we are (ie. hidden in the cleft of the Rock; there is no spot in us in His sight), from Him desiring to hear our voice to us desiring to hear His - and even speaking of Him to the lost world around us. Among other pictures and themes that could be brought out of this book, the final one is that of waiting for our Bridegroom to come back and take His Bride home to be with Him forever at the rapture. This is the note the book ends on.
Now I don't plan on explaining and digging into every bit of symbolism in these eight chapters, I do plan on tackling all the themes mentioned above and many more. I will tackle the symbolism and show related passages that round out the picture presented in each study. I have a list of about 28 themes/main passages so far, which I will add to or adapt as the series goes on. Please let me know your thoughts on these studies. Your feedback will help me get back into writing again, which I have neglected for so long. But more importantly than me attempting to use my spiritual gifts to exhort and teach those who read these studies is the desire to strengthen your walk with our blessed Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ.
I truly hope these upcoming studies will be a blessing and a source of strength to you, as well as open this devotional book of the Bible up a little bit more to you, and see how various parts of it relate to other parts of the Bible. Unfortunately, the Song of Solomon is a book of the Bible that too many neglect or don't dig in deeper to understand it. When we take the time to do so, our Lord becomes even more precious to our hearts - well, at least that is the goal I will be striving for. I could use your prayers and encouragement - and even responses to this page and the future study pages by way of the comment section.
In Jesus' precious name,
Jerry Bouey
For a list of studies that use the Song of Solomon as the springboard:
Song Of Solomon